Planet Fox > Microwaves
> My Antennas > Fiberglass Super Dish
Fiberglass Super Dish
There were several versions of the Super Dish produced
by Dish Network,
all of which received the 110° and 119° DBS orbital locations,
as with
a Dish 500, plus one of two FSS satellites, either AMC 15 @ 105°W
EchoStar IX @ 123°W. I think
this one was meant to pickup AMC 15, but I wasn't really paying that
much attention. This dish originally had three separate feeds. The
center feed picks up the linear polarized FSS signal, the tiny, pointy
feedhorn picks up the 110° DBS location, and the Dish Pro single
picks up the 119° DBS location
I have no idea who actually made this antenna, but most
Dish Network
antennas are made by Winegard. It's definitely not a Channel Master.
The center feed is the most interesting, it's an elliptical feedhorn
attached to the standard Dish Network "FSS STACKED LNB", but unlike
other Super Dishes, this one has a collar with a dielectric plate.
Leaving the FSS LNB as is allows for reception of any FSS satellite
11.7-12.2 GHz with linear polarization, and turning the collar 45°
allows reception of 11.7-12.2 GHz circular polarized signals, like the
Dish Network Plus antenna used to receive Anik F2. Moving the "DBS
STACKED LNB" from the pointy feedhorn to the center feed and rotating
the collar 45° allows for reception of any DBS satellite (12.2-12.7
with circular polarization) with very
signal quality making this possibly the most versatile antenna ever.
The LNBs from these dishes can be used with any other feedhorn from any
manufacturer, since it's just a standard UG flange.
Unlike most dishes, this one has a rotating elevation
braket to let you
set the skew at the back of the dish. You're probably only going to use
this to receive one satellite these days, so this isn't super useful,
but I recommend setting the skew back here and using the polarizing
collar to make fine adjustments. It does make it a little easier to get
everything lined up. If you're only picking up one DBS satellite or
Anik just set the skew for 0°, since skew doesn't matter much with
circular polarization.
Photo Album

Using a single custom LNB. Note how much wider these are than the steel
Note: If this were permanently installed I would never let a cable hang
there like that.

I was using an NJR LNB off of a Primestar dish to test this. Here it's
receiving signals from Galaxy 18.

These are the bandstacked ("Dish Pro") LNBs that came with it. The one
on the left is for 11.7-12.2 and would have been used on the main feed.
The one on the right covers 12.2-12.7 and would be used with the pointy
feedhorn for, I think,

On the right is the polarizing collar that's part of the main feed. The
wafer thing inside is a dielectric plate that can be rotated for
receiving linear or circular signals. The pointy feedhorn was used with
a "DBS STACKED" LNB, and also has a dielectric plate.